Flint Street Nativity auditions
4th August 2014
EPMTC will perform Tim Firth’s “Flint Street Nativity†at Heswall Hall this December.
Open Workshop Auditions will be held on Friday 29th August, 7-9pm at Rivacre Valley Primary School. Those interested in auditioning are invited to find out more at a pre-audition night on Tuesday 26th August at the same venue.
Flint Street Nativity shows Mizzis Horrocks' class of seven year olds as they prepare to perform and perform to their proud mums and dads. Squabbles arise when Gabriel wants to play Mary, the Star grumbles he's not a proper star like they have at NASA, Herod won't stop waving to his mum and dad and the subversive Innkeeper is determined to liven up the traditional script. And then the stick insect escapes... The children are played by adults, who later play their parents so the set changes accordingly to reflect the difference in scale. This musical play was first performed to critical acclaim at the Liverpool Playhouse.
We will be auditioning for the following roles:
- Innkeeper (Bradley) (twin to zoe) very naughty spends a lot of time in home corner, the devil child, fancies Jenny, not afraid of anyone or anything.
- Star (Marcus) obsessed with real space, his 'uncle' works for NASA, is the fall guy for Bradley's ideas.- Ass, wears a box donkey head for most of the play, he's in the 'special' class, forms a friendship of sorts with Adrian.
-Narrator, nervous, wants to get everything right for his dad. Keeps him self to himself, constantly practicing his lines.
- Herod/Joseph (Ryan) has to play Joseph because someone is off, obsessed with Question of sport, enacts the programme throughout the play, lots of over the top 'melodramatic' acting.
- Wise frankincense (Adrian) New to the school, has a lisp which causes him to hide away and worry about his lines. Nervous and outcast. Females
- Mary (Jenny) class swot, wants to be perfect at everything 'stepford wives' child, worried constantly about making mistakes.
- Wise gold (Jess) follower of Ashley, tries to impress a lot, lacks confidence.
- Angel (Shamima) as above but also concerned that she won't make her mum proud.
- Gabriel (Ashley) wants to play Mary and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She plays jess and Shamima off against each other, she is stroppy and very serious.
- Shepherd (Zoe) (twin to Bradley) very matter of fact, says things as she sees them, can be quite harsh at times and doesn't think about how she might make the other person feel.
The Flint Street Nativity will be performed 19th and 20th December 2014, Heswall Hall, Wirral. For more email [email protected]